I'm absolutely chuffed, as my Australian friend says, to be part of the Second Annual Rail Arts District Studio Cruise. Together with Art of the Firebird, we're going to participate in the marketplace. This is a great opportunity--last year's Cruise attracted nearly 1000 people! This year's cruise is on
7 February 2009, 5-10 pm. If you live in the Atlanta area, stop by! (Or tell a friend who lives in Atlanta.) There will be food and drink and music in plenty, but most of all wonderful eye candy. Even if your pocketbook is flat, come for the music and the demos and the conversation. There will be an open studio at Duckbill Studios--watch owner Tadashi Torii and his assistants blow glass. There will be performances and demos at Mudfire Gallery and Clayworks, art over at The Alcove, and numerous opportunities to hang out and talk to some seriously creative people. Don't know where the Rail Arts District in Atlanta is?
Here is a map. To whet your appetite, here's links to two videos from DuckBill Studios. The first is about the
glassblower's way of toasting bagels. The second shows an open house from 2007. Alas, I cannot embed either, as embedding has been suppressed. You can still see the videos by following the links.
I won't be in Atlanta until the middle of April.. spending two nights there in transit to William Holland...
Good luck it sounds like fun!
Hey, look me up when you come through, and enjoy your own trip :)
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